School of Spiritual Healing and Prophecy Spiritual Insight Training Part 1

School of Spiritual Healing and Prophecy

Spiritual Insight Training 1

**** In 2023 we are offering Spiritual Insight Training 1 and 2 as a Combined Training****
3 opportunities to attend in 2023!
SPRING: April 20-23,  SUMMER: July 20-23 or August 24-27

This is the renowned transformational course which thousands have raved about… the course that started everything we do!

If you believe that communication with Spirit is only available to a few exceptionally gifted and unusual people – please think again. Fellowships of the Spirit believe it is the birthright of every human being to experience this connection, and this three-in-one weekend retreat will show you how and prove it to you!


Learn the basics of spiritual meditation and the techniques that will enrich and deepen this experience. Discover the insight, clarity and lasting peace that come from practicing deep meditative states.

Spiritual Healing

Learn ways of opening your heart to allow Divine love and healing to move through your body into other people, and experience the joy and satisfaction of being both an instrument and a receiver of spiritual healing.

Intuitive, Psychic and Mediumistic Development

Learn a spiritually centered approach to unfolding and developing the abilities that you already have within you. Study the ways in which professional mediums work, and then discover your own inherent ability to give accurate spiritual readings!

Retain These Abilities When You Get Home

Even if you have never done anything like this before, this weekend course will show you how to recognize and trust the spiritual gifts that God has given you: gifts that will remain with you when you go home, and provide you with a solid foundation for continuing spiritual growth.

What People Are Saying…

“Though I’ve studied many other places, with many teachers, Fellowships of the Spirit’s Spiritual Insight Training gave me exactly the tools I needed to “connect the dots”, bringing form and format to what I’d always known, but couldn’t define, articulate. It was without a doubt the single most important stop on my spiritual journey. Though nearly 20 years have passed, I still find myself coming back over and over again. For me, it truly IS the place my soul calls home.” – Martie Hughes, Registered Medium Lily Dale, NY

“Spiritual Insight Training 1 was a profound experience for me. After several years of having little success doing mediumship, I gave my first verifiable message on Saturday. The methods used to teach were extremely effective and so quick, it both surprised and thrilled me.” – Anita Pizycki

“Before I took this course I didn’t believe I’d ever be able to ‘see’ spirit – still less be able to receive messages I didn’t understand, give them to people I’d never met before, and then be told that the messages were both meaningful and accurate. This course changed my life, and led me to a vastly deeper understanding of what it is to be alive.” – Malcolm Cobley Milton, Ontario, Canada

Completion of Spiritual Insight Training Parts I and II are prerequisites to being considered for entrance to the School of Spiritual Healing and Prophecy.