Fellowships of the Spirit is an organization that exists in order to help people experience their connection with God. We study, teach and practice spiritual unfoldment so that we may understand more fully God’s presence in our lives.
Our activities are focused in three areas:
- Our Core Educational Programs consist of two introductory courses in Spiritual Awareness, Mediumship & Healing, and a formal two-year training program in our School of Spiritual Healing and Prophecy. Together, these programs can lead to full Ministerial Ordination in our Church.
- Our annual program of Open Seminars brings expert teachers and authorities in many different fields of spiritual studies to teach at our Lakeside Learning Center. Many of these courses can also be ‘attended’ on-line, through our live, interactive, webcasting facilities.
- Our Ongoing Activities include weekly Sunday evening Worship Services and Spiritual Development Circles, and the day-to-day activities of our graduates in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.

Fellowships of the Spirit was established in 1988. We are incorporated as a not-for-profit religious corporation 501(c) 3, in New York State, and governed by a Board of Directors and an Executive Board of Ministers elected annually by our membership. Our policies and programs are also guided by the recommendations of an international Advisory Council of eminent people who work in several related fields. Please see our website for the names and profiles of our current Directors, Officers and Advisors.
Fellowships of the Spirit, does not discriminate on the basis of religion, creed, race, color, nationality, ethnic origin, gender or sexual orientation.
Fellowships of the Spirit is not affiliated with or sponsored by The Lily Dale Assembly Inc.
As a part of our local community service we conduct the Daily Meditation Service in the Lily Dale Healing Temple throughout their Summer season and, in conjunction with Church of the Living Spirit and Lily Dale Spiritualist Church, we co-chair a weekly Healing Service from September – June in Lily Dale’s Healing Temple. In 1992 Fellowships built the Labyrinth in Lily Dale. We continue to maintain it for the enjoyment and learning of all who walk its pathway.
Our funding is provided through the generosity of tax-deductible donations to Fellowships of the Spirit, tuition fees, the sale of books and merchandise, fundraising events and through donations to the Fellowships of the Spirit Foundation.